Dan Ogen | Leonardo Hotels

CDO, Leonardo Hotels Europe

Professional experience:
Moving between industries, I’ve always combined the three pillars of digital, marketing, and management. My experience includes leading the product team at the Israeli Yellow Pages, serving as CEO at Informed-Israel Medical portal, and managing the global communication channels at Teva Pharmaceuticals. Currently, I am the CDO of Leonardo Hotels Europe by Fattal.
On a personal note:
Never underestimate the value of genuine networking. It can lead you to surprising places and sometimes to long-lasting friendships. Oh… and don’t forget to make time to exercise every week – life will feel so much better!
Great marketing for me is:
Telling a story about your product that people can relate to, in a natural way. Any other attempt would classify you as an intruder who tries to disrupt without positive results.
Ecommerce , Performance Marketing
Skill Set:

Blog Posts, Articles, Interviews, Podcasts: